Performances and Press
Wentz Concert Hall, Naperville, IL
05/03/2007 5:30 pm
Young Naperville Singers, Angie Johnson, conductor
Works Performed:
Dream of Harmony - for SSAA, Piano
World Premiere Performance of Dream of Harmony
Piccolo Spoleto Festival
06/02/2008 8:00 pm
Through June 8, 2008
Works Performed:
Erotic Spirits
Rhapsody for Violin and Orchestra
Sea Portraits
Museo di Santa Maria dela Scala, Siena, Italy
06/07/2008 8:00 pm
Works Performed:
Preludes - Book I
New York, NY
06/15/2008 12:00 am
Through June 17, 2008
ASCAP Board Meetings
Minneapolis, MN
06/21/2008 08:00 am
Through June 26, 2008
Works Performed:
Bravo Bells
Central Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, MN
06/22/2008 7:00 pm
Works Performed:
Bravo Bells
New York, New York
09/16/2008 12:00 pm
Through September 18, 2008
ASCAP Board Meetings
10/19/2008 12:00 am
and October 20, 2008
Organ Spectacular
Works Performed:
Blithely Breezing Along from "Baronian Suite"
Los Angeles, CA-
10/21/2008 12:00 pm
Through October 25, 2008
ASCAP Board Meetings
First Lutheran Church of Columbia Heights, Columbia Heights, MN
11/01/2008 12:00 am
7:30 pm
American Boychoir with Fernando Malvar-Ruiz, Litton-Lodal Music Director
Works Performed:
Songs Eternity
Sing Creations Music On from Songs Eternity
St. John's University, Collegeville, MN
11/02/2008 12:00 am
2:00 pm
American Boychoir with Fernando Malvar-Ruiz, Litton-Lodal Music Director
Works Performed:
Songs Eternity
Sing Creations Music On from Songs Eternity
Hope Lutheran Church, Eau Claire, WI
11/03/2008 12:00 am
7:00 pm
American Boychoir with Fernando Malvar-Ruiz, Litton-Lodal Music Director
Works Performed:
Songs Eternity
Sing Creations Music On from Songs Eternity
Rogers High School, Rogers, MN
11/03/2008 12:00 am
7:00 pm
Rogers High School Choirs
Works Performed:
Hymn for America - SATB
Plymouth Congregational Church UCC, Fort Wayne, IN
11/09/2008 12:00 am
4:00 pm
Heartland Chamber Chorale
Works Performed:
Three Hermits, The
Robert Nance, music director
Lamont School of Music, University of Denver, CO
11/09/2008 12:00 am
3:00 pm
Joseph Galema, organ
Works Performed:
Plymouth Congregational Church UCC, Fort Wayne, IN
11/10/2008 12:00 am
7:30 pm
Heartland Chamber Chorale
Works Performed:
Three Hermits, The
Robert Nance, music director
de Jong Hall, Brigham Young University
11/14/2008 12:00 am
7:30 pm
BYU Concert Choir
Works Performed:
Alleluia! Christ is Risen
Premiere! First Unitarian Society of Madison, Madison, WI
11/15/2008 12:00 am
4:30 pm
Dan Broner, music director
Works Performed:
New Leaf, A
de Jong Hall, Brigham Young University
11/15/2008 12:00 am
7:30 pm
BYU Concert Choir
Works Performed:
Alleluia! Christ is Risen
Great Hall, Bethel College, St. Paul, MN
11/16/2008 12:00 am
3:00 pm
Twin Cities Youth Chorale
Works Performed:
Waters Still Flow
Diane Nielsen, artistic director
North Iowa Community Auditorium, Mason City, IA
11/16/2008 12:00 am
3:00 pm
North Iowa Choral Society
Works Performed:
Savior From On High, A
Dimnent Memorial Chapel, Hope College, Holland, MI
11/22/2008 12:00 am
The Holland Symphony Orchestra
Hew Lewis, organ
Works Performed:
Grand Concerto for Organ
Johannes Mueller-Stosch, conductor
Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, NYC
11/22/2008 7:30 pm
Andrew Garland, baritone and Donna Loewy, piano
Works Performed:
Heartland Portrait, A - Baritone
Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Austin, TX
12/01/2008 12:00 am
Quixotic Quincunx
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, McLean, VA
12/05/2008 12:00 am
8:00 pm
Master Singers of Virginia
Works Performed:
Gabriel's Message
Jesu Carols: Four Carols for Christmas
Dr. Erik Reid Jones, artistic director
Our Savior's Way Lutheran Church
12/07/2008 12:00 am
7:00 pm
Master Singers of Virginia
Works Performed:
Gabriel's Message
Jesu Carols: Four Carols for Christmas
Dr. Erik Reid Jones, artistic director
New York, NY
12/09/2008 12:00 am
ASCAP Board Meetings
Premiere! New York, NY
12/19/2008 12:00 am
Kantorei, Joel Ross, musical director
Works Performed:
Adoration of the Wise Men
The Summit Country Day School, 2161 Grandin Road, Cincinnati, OH
01/04/2009 8:00 pm
UVA University Singers, Michael Slon, Conductor
Works Performed:
Psalm 46
North United Methodist Church, 3808 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN
01/05/2009 7:00 pm
UVA University Singers, Michael Slon, conductor
Works Performed:
Psalm 46
St. Josaphat Church, 2311 N Southport, Chicago, IL
01/06/2009 8:00 pm
UVA University Singers, Michael Slon, conductor
Works Performed:
Psalm 46
St. Paul's United Methodist Church, 620 Romeo Street, Rochester, MI
01/08/2009 8:00 pm
UVA University Singers, Michael Slon, conductor
Works Performed:
Psalm 46
St. Joseph UNiversity Church, 3269 Main Street, Buffalo, NY
01/09/2009 8:00 pm
UVA University Singers, Michael Slon, conductor
Works Performed:
Psalm 46
First Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 531 N Neville Street, Pittsburgh, PA
01/10/2009 8:00 pm
UVA University Singers, Michael Slon, conductor
Works Performed:
Psalm 46
Trinity Church on the Green, New Haven, CT
01/11/2009 5:00 pm
Trinity Choir of Men and Boys
Works Performed:
Pilgrims' Hymn - Eight Part
St. Giles Presbyterian Church, 5200 Grove Avenue, Richmond, VA
01/11/2009 6:00 pm
UVA University Singers, Michael Slon, conductor
Works Performed:
Psalm 46
01/17/2009 7:00 pm
VocalEssence Ensemble Singers, Phillip Brunelle, artistic director
Works Performed:
Day is Done, The
For Complete details see www.vocalessence.com
North Central MENC Conference St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Indianapolis, IN
01/24/2009 09:30 am
Jenny Lind Vocal Ensemble of Augustana College, Rock Island, IL
Works Performed:
Kin to Sorrow
Premiere! Grace Cathedral, 1100 California Street, San Francisco, CA
01/25/2009 3:00 pm
Grace Cathedral Choir, Jeffrey Smith, music director
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis
First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta, 1328 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA, 30309
01/30/2009 8:00 pm
First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta, Fine Arts Department, Will Breytspraak, artistic director and conductor
Works Performed:
Three Hermits, The
Eglise du Val-de-Grâce, Paris, France
01/31/2009 8:00 pm
Chapelle-Musique du Val-de-Grâce, Etienne, Ferchaud, direction
Works Performed:
Meditations of Li Po
Memorial Auditorium, Burlington, IA
02/14/2009 7:30 pm
Southeast Iowa Symphony Orchestra, Jamie Spillane, guest conductor
Works Performed:
To Be Certain of the Dawn
IHCC St. John Auditorium, Ottumna, IA
02/15/2009 7:30 pm
Southeast Iowa Symphony Orchestra, Jamie Spillane, guest conductor
Works Performed:
To Be Certain of the Dawn
Bethesda by the Sea Church, Palm Beach, FL
02/17/2009 7:00 pm
Palm Beach Symphony Orchestra, Harold Pysher, organ, Ray Robinson, conductor
Works Performed:
Organ Concerto - for Organ, Timpani, Percussion and Strings
Premiere! St. Peter's By-The-Sea Episcopal Church
03/01/2009 5:00 pm
St. Peter's By-The-Sea Episcopal Church, Tom Bailey, director
Works Performed:
Prayer of St. Richard
ACDA National Convention, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
03/04/2009 11:00 am
Nordic Choir of Luther College, Craig Arnold, conductor
Works Performed:
Old Church, The
ACDA National Convention, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
03/04/2009 1:30 pm
Nordic Choir of Luther College, Craig Arnold, conductor
Works Performed:
Old Church, The
ACDA National Convention, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
03/06/2009 12:30 pm
American Boy Choir, Fernando Maldovar-Ruiz, conductor
Works Performed:
Sing Creations Music On - (SSA, Piano)
ACDA National Convention, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
03/06/2009 4:30 pm
American Boy Choir, Fernando Maldovar-Ruiz, conductor
Works Performed:
Sing Creations Music On - (SSA, Piano)
Wharton Center for Performing Arts, Lansing, MI
03/06/2009 8:00 pm
Lansing Symphony Orchestra, Vincent DiMartino & Rex Richardson, trumpets, Timothy Muffitt, conductor
Works Performed:
Concerto for Two Trumpets and Orchestra
ACDA National Convention, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
03/07/2009 09:00 am
Taylor Festival Singers, Robert Taylor, conductor
Works Performed:
Poemas de Amor
ACDA National Convention, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
03/07/2009 4:30 pm
Taylor Festival Singers, Robert Taylor, conductor
Works Performed:
Poemas de Amor
River Center, Baton Rouge, LA
03/19/2009 7:30 pm
Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra, Rex Richardson & Allen Vizzutti, trumpets, Timothy Muffitt, music director
Works Performed:
Concerto for Two Trumpets and Orchestra
Masterworks Series
Denver, CO
03/21/2009 12:00 am
Musica Sacra Chamber Orchestra
Works Performed:
Organ Concerto - for Organ, Timpani, Percussion and Strings
Premiere! Lutheran Church of the Risen Savior, Green Valley, AZ
03/27/2009 7:00 pm
Tucson Chamber Artists, Eric Holtan, music director
Works Performed:
Incomprehensible, The
American Masterpieces Ives, Barber, Paulus, Bernstein, Argento, Copland; Featuring TCA Chorus, Chamber Players and Jeffrey Campbell, organ
Premiere! Grace St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Tuscon, AZ
03/28/2009 7:30 pm
Tucson Chamber Artists, Eric Holtan, music director
Works Performed:
Incomprehensible, The
American Masterpieces Ives, Barber, Paulus, Bernstein, Argento, Copland; Featuring TCA Chorus, Chamber Players and Jeffrey Campbell, organ
Premiere! St. Philip's in the Hills Episcopal Church, Tucson, AZ
03/29/2009 2:00 pm
Tucson Chamber Artists, Eric Holtan, music director
Works Performed:
Incomprehensible, The
American Masterpieces Ives, Barber, Paulus, Bernstein, Argento, Copland; Featuring TCA Chorus, Chamber Players and Jeffrey Campbell, organ
Theatre for Performing Arts, Maine West High School, Des Plaines, IL
03/29/2009 3:30 pm
The Northwest Symphony Orchestra, Paul Vermel, music director and conductor
Works Performed:
Sea Portraits
Augustana Lutheran Church, 5000 E Alameda Ave, Denver, CO
03/29/2009 7:00 pm
Winner's Concert with Joseph Galema & Musica Sacra Chamber Orchestra
Buy Tickets at http://ev2.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetEventInfo?ticketCode=GS%3aTWMT%3aKDEN09:KALC0322%3a&linkID=twmt
Premiere! Lutheran Church of the Atonement, 1285 North New Florissant Road • Florissant, Missouri 63031
04/05/2009 8:00 pm
St. Louis Chamber Chorus, Philip Barnes, artistic director
Works Performed:
Stabat Mater
A masterpiece of the Renaissance, Palestrina’s Stabat Mater was traditionally sung in Rome on Palm Sunday. In today’s performance it is vividly contrasted by a new setting commissioned for the Chamber Chorus by one of America’s greatest composers, Stephen Paulus. Other Palm Sunday paeans are contributed by Orlando Gibbons and Max Reger.
Dominion-Chalmers Church, Ottawa
04/05/2009 8:00 pm
Duo Majoya: Husband-Wife organists in recital, Joachim Segger and Marnie Giesbrecht
Works Performed:
A concert presented by the Royal Canadian College of Organists as part of its Pro Organo series. $20 general, $15 for seniors and $10 for students. Information: 613-728-8041 or www.rcco-ottawa.ca
Premiere! Carnegie Hall, New York City, NY
04/23/2009 8:00 pm
New York Choral Society, John Daly Goodwin, music director
Works Performed:
Whitman's New York
World Premiere Performance of Walt Whitman's New York
McCready Hall, Taylor Meade Performing Arts Building, Pacific University, Oregon
04/24/2009 7:30 pm
Pacific University's Chamber Singers and Concert Choir; Dr. Scott Tuomi and Konstantin Kvach, Directors
Works Performed:
Splendid Jewel
The Year End Spring Concert
Premiere! Packer Memorial Church, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
05/01/2009 4:30 pm
Bach Choir of Bethlehem, Greg Funfgeld, conductor and artistic director
Works Performed:
Dream of Time - for Chorus, Soli, Instruments
Dudley Buck Jones Auditorium at Meredith College
05/01/2009 8:00 pm
Brent Shaw
Works Performed:
Blithely Breezing Along from "Baronian Suite"
Organ Recital
Jones Auditorium, Meredith College, 3800 Hillsborough St. Raleigh, N. Carolina
05/01/2009 8:00 pm
Brent Shaw, Organist, Meredith College Grad. Student
Works Performed:
Blithely Breezing Along from "Baronian Suite"
Premiere! Wentz Concert Hall, Naperville, IL
05/03/2009 2:30 pm
Young Naperville Singers, Angie Johnson, conductor
Works Performed:
Dream of Harmony - for SSAA, Piano
World Premiere Performance of Dream of Harmony
Bruton Parish, Williamsburg, VA
05/03/2009 5:30 pm
Rebecca Davy, organ
Works Performed:
Organ Concerto - for Organ, Timpani, Percussion and Strings
Premiere! Packer Memorial Church, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
05/08/2009 4:30 pm
Bach Choir of Bethlehem, Greg Funfgeld, conductor and artistic director
Works Performed:
Dream of Time - for Chorus, Soli, Instruments
Premiere! Benaroya Hall
05/30/2009 1:30 pm
Seattle Children's Chorus, Kris Mason, artistic director
Works Performed:
Help Us This Day
Songs or Hope: A Bright Future, Gala 20th Anniversary Concert
Astoria Music Festival, New York, NY
06/21/2009 4:00 pm
Festival Chamber Players, Cary Lewis, Piano; Ines Voglar, Violin; Joel Belgique, Viola; Dorothy Lewis and Sergey Antonov, Cello; David Buck, Flute
Works Performed:
Courtship Songs
Premiere! Walk Festival Hall, Grand Teton Music Festival
08/14/2009 8:00 pm
Open Rehearsal *10 am; Concert 8 pm
Lynn Harrell, cellist with the Festival Orchestra conducted by Donald Runnicles
Walk Festival Hall, Grand Teton Music Festival
08/15/2009 8:00 pm
Lynn Harrell, cellist with the Festival Orchestra conducted by Donald Runnicles
Taipei, Taiwan
09/19/2009 12:00 am
Taipei Male Choir
Works Performed:
Loving-Kindness from "Awakening"
guest conducted by Conspirare's Craig Hella Johnson
Taipei, Taiwan
09/21/2009 12:00 am
Taipei Male Choir
Works Performed:
Loving-Kindness from "Awakening"
guest conducted by Conspirare's Craig Hella Johnson
Cathedral of St. Paul
09/29/2009 12:00 am
Wilma Jensen
Works Performed:
King David's Dance
St. Louis Abbey, Town and Country, MO
10/04/2009 12:00 am
St. Louis Chamber Chorus
Works Performed:
Stabat Mater
Concert "On Second Hearing" conducted by Philip Barnes
Irvine, CA
10/10/2009 12:00 am
Irvine Valley College Wind Symphony, Stephen Rochford, conductor
Works Performed:
Over One Hundred Years
St. Philip's in the Hills Episcopal Church, Tucson, AZ
10/10/2009 12:00 am
7:30 pm
Tucson Chamber Artists, Eric Holtan, conductor
Works Performed:
Water is Wide, The
Holsclaw Hall, UA Fine Arts Complex, Tucson, AZ
10/11/2009 12:00 am
2 pm
Tucson Chamber Artists, Eric Holtan, conductor
Works Performed:
Water is Wide, The
First United Methodist Church, Appleton, WI
10/11/2009 12:00 am
4 pm
Ken Cowan, organist
Works Performed:
Blithely Breezing Along from "Baronian Suite"
Ralph and Marjorie Ballinger Memorial Concert
St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Upper Arlington, OH
10/16/2009 12:00 am
8:00 pm
Cosmos Trio
Works Performed:
Petite Suite
Katherine Borst Jones, Mary E.M. Harris, Jeanne Norton
Worthington Presbyterian Church, Worthington, OH
10/18/2009 12:00 am
3:00 pm
Cosmos Trio
Works Performed:
Petite Suite
Katherine Borst Jones, Mary E.M. Harris, Jeanne Norton
Defiance Community Cultural Council- Arts and Media Center, Defiance, OH
10/25/2009 12:00 am
7:00 pm
Cosmos Trio
Works Performed:
Petite Suite
Katherine Borst Jones, Mary E.M. Harris, Jeanne Norton
Premiere! Center in the Helen S. Schaefer building
10/26/2009 12:00 am
7:00 pm
Elizabeth Futral, soprano; Paula Fan, piano
Fundraiser for Tucson Symphony Orchestra and University of AZ Poetry Center
Premiere! Tucson Convention Center Music Hall
10/29/2009 8:00 pm
Elizabeth Futral, soprano, with Tucson Symphony Orchestra conducted by George Hanson
Tucson Convention Center Music Hall
10/30/2009 8:00 pm
Elizabeth Futral, soprano, with Tucson Symphony Orchestra conducted by George Hanson
Chapel, Samford University, Birmingham, AL
11/15/2009 12:00 am
2:30 pm
Joshua H. Coble
Works Performed:
Chapel, Samford University, Birmingham, AL
11/24/2009 12:00 am
Nova Singers
Works Performed:
Road Home, The - SATB
St. Olaf Catholic Church, Minneapolis, MN
12/05/2009 12:00 am
7:30 pm
The Singers- Minnesota Choral Artists
Works Performed:
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Three Nativity Carols
Matthew Culloton, conductor
Lord of Life Church, Ramsey, MN
12/06/2009 12:00 am
3:00 pm
The Singers- Minnesota Choral Artists
Works Performed:
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Three Nativity Carols
Matthew Culloton, conductor
Unity Church, St. Paul
12/12/2009 12:00 am
7:00 pm
Ruth Palmer, conductor
Works Performed:
Christmas Dances
Karpeles Manuscript Museum, Buffalo, NY
12/12/2009 12:00 am
8:00 pm
Works Performed:
Three Nativity Carols
Jamie Burritt, conductor
Wayzata Community Church, Wayzata, MN
12/12/2009 12:00 am
7:00 pm
The Singers- Minnesota Choral Artists
Works Performed:
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Three Nativity Carols
Matthew Culloton, conductor
SS Peter and Paul Church, Williamsville, NY
12/13/2009 12:00 am
4:00 pm
Works Performed:
Three Nativity Carols
Jamie Burritt, conductor
Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church, St. Paul, MN
12/13/2009 12:00 am
2:00 pm
The Singers- Minnesota Choral Artists
Works Performed:
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Three Nativity Carols
Matthew Culloton, conductor
First Congregational Church of Long Beach
12/20/2009 12:00 am
conductor Leland Vail
Works Performed:
Jesu Carols: Four Carols for Christmas
Three Nativity Carols
Tenri Cultural Institute, New York, NY
03/05/2010 8:00 pm
Two Sides Sounding
Works Performed:
Erotic Spirits (Piano/Vocal)
Tucson, AZ
03/06/2010 12:00 am
00:00 pm
2010 ACDA Western Honor Choir
Works Performed:
Sing Creations Music On - (SSA, Piano)
Conductor- Cheryl Dupont
St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church, Hartford, CT
04/24/2010 12:00 am
8:00 pm
Concora, conducted by Richard Coffey
Works Performed:
Pilgrims' Hymn - Eight Part
Ordway Center for the Performing Arts, St. Paul, MN
04/27/2010 12:00 am
St. Paul Public Schools Honors Choir
Works Performed:
When I Am Filled With Music
Conducted by Eugene Rogers
Premiere! Cathedral of St. Paul, St. Paul, MN
04/30/2010 8:00 pm
VocalEssence, Philip Brunelle, artistic director
Works Performed:
Pilgrims' Hymn - version for Chorus and Two Marimbas
www.vocalessence.org - This collaborative performance, in conjunction with the Marimba 2010 Festival & Convention, also features three world premieres — Jorge Córdoba is commemorating the Mexican Bicentennial with a new work, and Stephen Paulus is composing a piece for chorus and marimba as well as a new arrangement of his celebrated “Pilgrim’s Hymn.” Join VocalEssence and conductor Philip Brunelle for a sensational surround sound experience!
Premiere! Syracuse, New York
05/01/2010 8:00 pm
Syracuse Children's Chorus
Works Performed:
Hope is the Thing
HOPE IS THE THING for SSA, Flute and Harp
Premiere! St. Mary's Greek Orthodox Church, Minneapolis, MN
05/07/2010 12:00 am
7:30 pm
Twin Cities Women's Chorale- Premiere of SSAA version
Works Performed:
Afternoon on a Hill - SATB
Mary Bussman, Artistic Director
Premiere! St. Mary's Greek Orthodox Church, Minneapolis, MN
05/08/2010 12:00 am
7:30 pm
Twin Cities Women's Chorale- Premiere of SSAA version
Works Performed:
Afternoon on a Hill - SATB
Mary Bussman, Artistic Director
Norwich Cathedral, Norwich England
06/27/2010 6:30 pm
The Losinga Singers; Philip Barnes, conductor
Works Performed:
Stabat Mater
Premiere! Madison, WI
07/18/2010 10:00 am
Wednesday to Sunday
UUMN Conference Choir; Stephen Alltop, conductor
Works Performed:
For The Beauty of The Earth
Little Elegy
Old Church, The
Road Home, The - SATB
Stephen Paulus Composer-in-residence for Unitarian Universalist Musicians Network Summer Conference 2010
Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe
07/25/2010 10:00 am
Katherine Hanford
Works Performed:
Mvt. 3; "As if the whole creation cried"
Westminster Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN
08/08/2010 08:30 am
Sunday Services at 8:30 and 11am
Polly Brecht, organ
Works Performed:
performed as part of Sunday morning services
West Anchorage High School, Anchorage, AK
11/20/2010 7:00 pm
Alaska School Activities Association 2010 All-State Treble Choir, Sean Burton, conductor
Works Performed:
I Cannot Dance, O Lord
Premiere! Merkin Concert Hall at the Kaufman Center; New York City
11/21/2010 8:00 pm
Strata: Nathan Williams, clarinet; James Stern, violin; Audrey Andrist, piano
Works Performed:
Trio Concertant
Composer in attendance
Premiere! Loretto Chapel, Santa Fe New Mexico
12/11/2010 7:30 pm
The Santa Fe Women's Ensemble www.sfwe.org
Works Performed:
Two Andalusian Songs
Composer in attendance 12/11; Additional performances 12/12, 12/17 & 12/18
St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Chicago IL
12/12/2010 2:30 pm
The Chicago Chorale
Works Performed:
And Give Us Peace
Composer in attendance 12/12; Additional performance 12/11
Christ & St. Stephen's Church, 120 West 69th Street, New York, NY 10023
12/19/2010 3:00 pm
Sunday December 19th, 3:00pm
Jonathan Michie, baritone; Thomas Bagwell, piano
Works Performed:
Heartland Portrait, A - Baritone
The Lotte Lehmann Foundation Recitals: Inaugural Concert www.lottelehmann.org
Boston University Theater
02/24/2011 7:30 pm
Feb 24 - 27
Boston University Opera Institute
Works Performed:
Postman Always Rings Twice, The
Penn State University, Erie, PA
03/02/2011 12:00 pm
"Music at Noon"
Works Performed:
Trio Concertant
Luther College, Decorah, IA
03/15/2011 12:00 am
Mar 15–17
Luther College Department of Music
Works Performed:
Luther Mass
Residency at Luther College in preparation for Luther Mass premiere
Market Square Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg, PA
03/19/2011 8:00 pm
The Bach Choir of Bethlehem, Greg Funfgeld, conductor
Works Performed:
Dream of Time - for Chorus, Soli, Instruments
Premiere! Oak Grove Middle School, Bloomington, MN
03/20/2011 12:00 am
Oak Grove Middle School, Bryan Blessing, conductor
Works Performed:
First Presbyterian Church of Bethlehem, Bethlehem, PA
03/20/2011 4:00 pm
The Bach Choir of Bethlehem, Greg Funfgeld, conductor
Works Performed:
Dream of Time - for Chorus, Soli, Instruments
Copiah-Lincoln Community College, Wesson, MS
03/22/2011 7:30 pm
Community Art Series
Works Performed:
Trio Concertant
ASCAP New York Meetings
03/28/2011 12:00 am
Mar 28-31
Premiere! Community Center Theater, Sacramento, CA
04/02/2011 3:00 pm
California ACDA All-State Womens' Honor Choir, Sigrid Johnson, conductor
Works Performed:
Tres Canciónes
Premiere! Luther College, Decorah, IA
04/16/2011 7:30 pm
April 16, 17 2011
Luther College Department of Music
Works Performed:
Luther Mass
Mass commissioned for sesquicentennial of Luther College
Premiere! Orchestra Hall, Minneapolis, MN
04/17/2011 4:00 pm
Luther College Department of Music
Works Performed:
Luther Mass
Premiere! St. Mary's Greek Orthodox Church, Minneapolis, MN
05/06/2011 7:30 pm
May 6–7
Twin Cities Women's Choir
Works Performed:
God's World - SATB
Cathedral of St. Andrews, Grand Rapids, MI
05/14/2011 7:30 pm
Calvin College Alumni Choir, Pearl Shangkuan, conductor
Works Performed:
Poemas de Amor
Schools in Washington, D.C. area
05/20/2011 12:00 am
May 20-23
Works Performed:
Trio Concertant
Premiere! San Francisco Conservatory of Music, San Francisco, CA
06/03/2011 8:00 pm
Works Performed:
Lotus Lovers, The
Premiere! St. Louis, MO
06/11/2011 12:00 am
Works Performed:
Mirth & Merriment
Premiere of new choral work in honor of Stacey Albin
Iowa Choral Directors Association Conference, Mason City, IA
07/27/2011 12:00 am
July 27-28
Residency and performances of various choral works
Works Performed:
Road Home, The - SATB
Valley Performing Arts Center, California State University-Northridge, Los Angeles, CA
08/06/2011 12:00 am
ClarinetFest 2011
Works Performed:
Trio Concertant
Premiere! Church of Saint Louis-King of France, St Paul, MN
08/15/2011 7:00 pm
Church of Saint Louis-King of France Chorus and Organ
Works Performed:
Ave Maria
Premiere! Tucson, AZ
09/11/2011 12:00 am
Tucson Chamber Artists and Orchestra, Eric Holtan, conductor
Works Performed:
Prayers and Remembrances
Premiere! Orchestra Hall, Minneapolis, MN
09/29/2011 7:30 pm
Sept 29-Oct 1
Minnesota Orchestra, Osmo Vänskä, conductor and clarinet; Greg Paulus, trumpet
Works Performed:
Jazz Concerto: A collaborative work by Greg and Stephen Paulus; www.minnesotaorchestra.org
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
11/06/2011 12:00 am
New Music Festival and ASCAP Workshop
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
11/07/2011 12:00 am
New Music Festival and ASCAP Workshop
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
11/08/2011 12:00 am
New Music Festival and ASCAP Workshop
Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis, MN
12/03/2011 12:00 am
Dec 3-4, 9-11
VocalEssence, Philip Brunelle, conductor
Works Performed:
So Hallow'd Is the Time
Polwarth Parish Church, Polwarth Terrace, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
12/10/2011 7:30 pm
Cadenza at Christmas
Cadenza-one of Edinburgh's leading amateur choirs
Works Performed:
Silent Night - NEW
Premiere! Westminster Presbyterian Church, Grand Rapids, MI
12/11/2011 12:00 am
Premiere of anthem for Chorus and Organ
Westminster Presbyterian Church Sanctuary Choir and Organ, Helen Hofmeister Hawley, conductor
Works Performed:
Premiere! National Hispanic Cultural Center, Albuquerque, NM
12/16/2011 8:00 pm
Dec 16-17
University of New Mexico and Santa Fe Opera, Bradley Ellingboe, conductor
Works Performed:
Shoes for the Santo Niño
Premiere of Shoes for the Santo Niño
Premiere! Myers Park United Methodist Church, Charlotte, NC
02/05/2012 08:30 am
8:30a, 9:45a, 11a Worship Services
Myers Park United Methodist Church Chancel Choir, James R. Jones, conductor
Works Performed:
My Help Comes From the Lord (Psalm 121)
North Central ACDA Conference, Madison, WI
02/09/2012 12:00 pm
Feb 9-10
North Central ACDA Conference, Madison, WI
02/10/2012 7:00 pm
Lee Nelson, conductor
Works Performed:
To Be Certain of the Dawn
Carnegie Hall, New York
04/20/2012 7:30 pm
New York Choral Society, John Daly Goodwin, conductor
Works Performed:
Whitman's New York
Central Lutheran Church
04/29/2012 4:00 pm
Compline Choir of Minnesota
Works Performed:
Road Home, The - TTBB
www.minnesotacompline.org - 20th Anniversary Concert
Lawrence Memorial Chapel, Appleton, WI
05/26/2012 8:00 pm
Lawrence Conservatory Concerto Competition Concert
Daniel O'Connor, organ | Lawrence Symphony Orchestra, David Becker, conductor
Works Performed:
Organ Concerto - for Organ, Timpani, Percussion and Strings
Premiere! Chorus America National Conference, Orchestra Hall, Minneapolis, MN
06/13/2012 7:00 pm
vocalessence, Philip Brunelle, conductor
Works Performed:
When Music Sounds
www.chorusamerica.org; www.vocalessence.org
American Guild of Organists National Convention, Nashville, TN
07/06/2012 12:00 am
Nashville Symphony Orchestra, Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor
Works Performed:
Grand Concerto for Organ
www.agohq.org; www.nashvillesymphony.org
Premiere! Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis, MN
09/29/2012 2:00 pm
Philip Brunelle, conductor
Works Performed:
Shoemaker, The
The Shoemaker; www.vocalessence.org
Premiere! Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis, MN
09/30/2012 10:30 am
Phillip Brunelle, conductor
Works Performed:
Shoemaker, The
The Shoemaker; www.vocalessence.org
Schermerhorn Symphony Center, Nashville TN
10/04/2012 7:00 pm
Nashville Symphony, Giancarlo Guererro, conductor
Works Performed:
Concerto for String Quartet (Three Places of Enlightenment)
Schermerhorn Symphony Center, Nashville TN
10/05/2012 8:00 pm
Nashville Symphony, Giancarlo Guererro, conductor
Works Performed:
Concerto for String Quartet (Three Places of Enlightenment)
Schermerhorn Symphony Center, Nashville TN
10/06/2012 8:00 pm
Nashville Symphony, Giancarlo Guererro, conductor
Works Performed:
Concerto for String Quartet (Three Places of Enlightenment)
Premiere! Severance Hall, Cleveland OH
10/11/2012 8:00 pm
Cleveland Orchestra; William Preucil, violin; Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor
Works Performed:
Violin Concerto No. 3
Premiere! Severance Hall, Cleveland OH
10/13/2012 8:00 pm
Cleveland Orchestra; William Preucil, violin; Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor
Works Performed:
Violin Concerto No. 3
Minneapolis, MN: Ted Mann Concert Hall
10/18/2012 7:30 pm
University of Minnesota Symphonic Band; Jerry Luckhardt, conductor
Works Performed:
Fanfare: UMN 150
Ted Mann Concert Hall Schedule
Winter Park, FL: Knowles Memorial Chapel
10/27/2012 7:30 pm
Bach Festival Society of Winter Park, John V. Sinclair, conductor
Works Performed:
Voices of Light
Winter Park, FL: Knowles Memorial Chapel
10/28/2012 3:00 pm
Bach Festival Society of Winter Park, John V. Sinclair, conductor
Works Performed:
Voices of Light
Albany, GA
11/04/2012 08:30 am
additional performance at 11:10am
Porterfield Memorial United Methodist Church; Marcy McCarty, soloist
Works Performed:
Road Home, The - SATB
Saint Paul, MN; Benson Great Hall, Bethel University
11/16/2012 8:00 pm
VocalEssence Ensemble Singers; Philip Brunelle, conductor
Works Performed:
Day is Done, The
A Minnesota Choral Mosaic - ACDA of MN Website
Grand Rapids, MI - DeVos Performance Hall
11/16/2012 8:00 pm
11/17/2012 8:00 pm
Grand Rapids Symphony, David Lockington conductor
Works Performed:
To Be Certain of the Dawn
The Grand Rapids Symphony
Saint Paul, MN - Benson Great Hall
11/17/2012 8:00 pm
Concerto Choir of Angelica Cantanti Youth Choirs, Nancy Grundahl, conductor
Works Performed:
Day Break
A Minnesota Choral Mosaic - ACDA of MN Website
Mankato, MN - Mankato West High School Auditorium
11/18/2012 3:00 pm
Mankato Symphony Orchestra, MSU Mankato Concert Choir, Musicorum, Mankato Children's Chorus, Soloists; Kenneth Freed, conductor
Works Performed:
To Be Certain of the Dawn
Mankato Symphony Orchestra website
Premiere! New York City - Carnegie Hall, Isaac Stern Auditorium
01/18/2013 7:00 pm
The University Glee Club of New York City
Works Performed:
When Thou Commandest Me to Sing
UGC of NY Website
St. Paul MN - Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church
02/13/2013 8:00 pm
The Singers - Minnesota Choral Artists
Works Performed:
Poemas de Amor
The Singers 2012-2013 Schedule
Wayzata, MN - Wayzata Community Church
02/14/2013 3:00 pm
The Singers - Minnesota Choral Artists
Works Performed:
Poemas de Amor
The Singers 2012-2013 Schedule
Edinburgh, Scottland - UK
03/09/2013 7:30 pm
Consort of Voices; Stuart Hope, dir
Works Performed:
Lotus Lovers, The
Consort of Voices
Premiere! Phoenix, AZ - Symphony Hall
03/21/2013 7:30 pm
Phoenix Symphony, Michael Christie, conductor; Paul Jacobs, organist
Works Performed:
Organ Concerto No. 4
The Phoenix Symphony
Winona MN - Winona State University
04/19/2013 11:00 am
4/19 - 4/21
Composer Residency
Works Performed:
Day is Done, The
Three Moods for Band
Water is Wide, The
Premiere! Columbus, OH - Ohio Theatre
04/19/2013 8:00 pm
The Columbus Symphony Orchestra and Chorus
Works Performed:
Of Songs and Singing
The Columbus Symphony Orchestra Calendar
Premiere! Columbus, OH - Ohio Theatre
04/20/2013 8:00 pm
The Columbus Symphony Orchestra and Chorus
Works Performed:
Of Songs and Singing
The Columbus Symphony Orchestra Calendar
Newark NJ - Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart
04/21/2013 4:00 pm
The Masterwork Chorus
Works Performed:
Hymn to the Eternal Flame
Pilgrims' Hymn - Eight Part
The Masterwork Chorus
Summit NJ - Calvary Episcopal Church
04/25/2013 7:30 pm
The Masterwork Chorus
Works Performed:
Hymn to the Eternal Flame
Pilgrims' Hymn - Eight Part
The Masterwork Chorus
Princeton NJ - Princeton University Chapel
04/26/2013 7:30 pm
The Masterwork Chorus
Works Performed:
Hymn to the Eternal Flame
Pilgrims' Hymn - Eight Part
The Masterwork Chorus
Kenmore, WA - Bastyr University Chapel
04/27/2013 7:30 pm
Kirkland Choral Society
Works Performed:
Road Home, The - SATB
Kirkland Choral Society 2012-2013 Season
Premiere! Seattle, WA - First United Methodist Church
12/06/2013 7:30 pm
Kirkland Choral Society
Works Performed:
A new commission for Christmas! Details available summer 2013: Kirkland Choral Society
Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia performs Stephen Paulus' 1992 Concerto for Solo Organ, Timpani, and Percussion...
"It's a terrific piece that would have to rank among the best American organ concertos of the last century, with four hefty movements that strike out in many directions, from elegiac to comic, with equal conviction. The organ made a crazy, explosive first-movement entrance in a piece that found several places of harmonic stability, only to leap away from them in compulsive sorties to everywhere and nowhere. Most entrancing was the second movement, with the organ creating a liturgical atmosphere joined by a sensuously pagan violin solo playing in an intriguingly alien key."
Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/entertainment/20140121_Classical_music_review__Organ_recital_full_of_revelations.html#Iz42PC4i5oeCdlcL.99