About Paulus Publications
Paulus Publications was started by Stephen Paulus in 1997 as a way for him to publish his own work - ensuring that the music would be presented and prepared for performers in exactly the right way and that he could help make sure every performer need was addressed and that each performance went off without a hitch.
Since his passing in 2014, Paulus Publications has been managed by his younger son, Andrew Paulus. The company's goal is, and will always remain, to ensure that as many people as possible get to enjoy listening to and performing his music.
We manage everything from digital score orders, print orders, licensing requests, and promotional help. You can always get in touch with us at information@stephenpaulus.com or directly with Andrew at ap@stephenpaulus.com.
Growing up, I was lucky to see the creation of new music from end-to-end. The process would start in the music room or on the porch where my dad would meet with commissioners and performing groups. From there, we'd often wake up to the sound of my dad composing new music on the grand piano and handwriting each score (always with a Pentel Rolling Writer pen) before shipping it off to be engraved. The real reward, though, always came when my dad would lug us around to whatever new performance or premiere was happening where I'd watch his studied expression change into a smile throughout the performance. While he's no longer physically here, I'd like to think that he's still enjoying each new performance in some way.
Whether you're just looking to perform The Road Home or interested in finding some new Paulus music, we'd love to help. We're always around and love to hear from performers, music groups, and happy listeners.
We hope you enjoy the music,
-Andrew Paulus (on behalf of the Paulus family)