Guidelines for uploading a Stephen Paulus performance online
Paulus Publications welcomes uploading a performance online to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. as long as it follows the following guidelines.
We are happy to grant a free/gratis synchronization license for the first 5,000 views a video receives. If a video passes 5,000 views a formal synchronization license would be required with the potential for an accompanying licensing fee.
Up until that point, our only requests are
- The title of the piece is mentioned in the description
- Stephen Paulus is clearly listed as the composer in the video description or accompanying text
- The text author's name is also clearly listed in the video description or accompanying text
- If uploading to Youtube, please link to the piece's page on stephenpaulus.com in the video description (e.g. for The Road Home you'd say "More information on The Road Home can be found at https://stephenpaulus.com/products/the-road-home"
- A link to the uploaded video is emailed to information@stephenpaulus.com once the video has been published.
That's it! If you have any questions feel free to email us at information@stephenpaulus.com