Recordings by Album Title
Arranged alphabetically by album title. Note, that this is a work in progress and many works still need to be added.
Album title: A Chamber Fantasy
Paulus work titles: Dramatic Suite; Courtship Songs; Air on Seurat; Partita Appassionata
Performers: Jane Garvin, Merilee Klemp, Mina Fisher, Jill Dawe, Troy Gardner
Year of release: 2000
Record Label: Innova Recording
Purchase link: http://www.amazon.com/Paulus-Fantasy-Dramatic-Courtship-Appassionata/dp/B00004Z46P
Album title: Carols for Christmas
Paulus work titles: The Ship Carol; The First Nowell; Bring a Torch, Jeannette, Isabella; Sno Had Fallen, Christ Was Born; Angels We Have Heard on High; Hallelu; The Angels and The Shepherds; How Far is it to Bethlehem; Hark! The Herald Angels Sing; Ding Dong! Merrily on High; A Savior From on High; Joy to the World; O Little Town of Bethlehem; O Come, All Ye Faithful; We Three Kings; Wassail Song
Performers: The Dale Warland Singers, conducting by Dale Warland
Year of release: 1996
Record Label: d'Note Records
Purchase link: http://www.amazon.com/Carols-Christmas-Stephen-Paulus/dp/B000003YNJ
Album title: Fantastique
Paulus work titles: Concerto for Two Trumpets and Band
Performers: Eric Berlin, Richard Kelley, Charles Schlueter, Greg Spiridopoulos, UMass Wind Ensemble, James Patrick Miller, UMAss Trumpet Ensemble
Year of release: 2014
Purchase link: http://www.amazon.com/Fantastique-Premieres-Ensemble-Stephenson-Recordings/dp/B00N9KA81O/
Album title: Melville's Dozen
Paulus work titles: Explosions
Performers: Nicola Melville
Year of release: 2008
Record Label: Innova Recordings
Purchase link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/explosions/id351402698?i=351402790&ign-mpt=uo%3D4
Album title: Songs for the Seasons
Paulus work titles: Carols for Spring and Summer; Pilgrims' Hymn; When I Am Filled With Music; The Road Home; Sing Creations Music On; Day Break; The Old Church; I Cannot Dance, O Lord; Three Nativity Carols
Performers: Holland Chorale, Gary W. Bogle, conducting
Year of release: 2004
Purchase link: http://hollandchorale.org/WordPress/?page_id=91
Album title: Splendid Jewel: Choral Music of Stephen Paulus
Paulus work titles: Pilgrims' Hymn; Arise, My Love; Alleluia; The Old Church; Splendid Jewel; God's World; The Spring and the Fall; Kin to Sorrow; Afternoon on a Hill; Calming the Storm; All Things are Passing; Hymn to the Eternal Flame; The Road Home; The Day is Done
Performers: The Singers, conducting by Matthew Culloton
Year of release: 2007
Purchase link: https://www.singersmca.org/store/buypage.htm
Album title: Stephen Paulus: Concerto for Violin/String Symphony
Paulus work titles: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra; Concertant; Symphony for Strings
Performers: Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, William Preucil, violin, Robert Shaw, conducting, Yoel Levi, conducting
Year of release: 1990
Purchase link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/stephen-paulus-concerto-for/id400550350
Album title: Stephen Paulus - Lanier Trio
Paulus work titles: Music of the Night; Air on Seurat; Seven for the Flowers Near the River; Life Motifs; American Vignettes
Performers: William Preucil, violin, viola, Dorothy Lewis, Cello, Cary Lewis, piano
Year of release: 1995
Record Label: Gasparo Records
Purchase link: http://www.amazon.com/Stephen-Paulus-Flowers-American-Vignettes/dp/B000025YJT/ref=pd_sim_sbs_m_6?ie=UTF8&refRID=021YK1MRZND2X4G271M2
Album title: Stephen Paulus: Songs
Paulus work titles: Bittersuite; All My Pretty Ones; Artsongs
Performers: Håkan Hagegård, baritone, Warren Jones, piano, Ruth Jacobson, soprano, Paul Schoenfield, piano, Paul Sperry, Tenor, Irma Vallecillo, piano
Year of release: 1990
Purchase link: http://www.amazon.com/Stephen-Paulus-Songs-Haken-Hagegard/dp/B0000049LF
Album title: The Three Hermits
Paulus work titles: The Three Hermits
Performers: The Saint Paul Sinfonietta, The Motet Choir of House of Hope Presbyterian Church, Thomas Lancaster, conducting
Year of release: 1997
Purchase link: http://www.amazon.com/Paulus-Three-Hermits-Opera-Tolstoy/dp/B000003YNT
Album title: To Be Certain of the Dawn
Paulus work titles: To Be Certain of the Dawn
Performers: The Minnesota Orchestra, conducting Osmo Vänskä
Year of release: 2009
Purchase link: http://www.amazon.com/Paulus-To-Be-Certain-Dawn/dp/B001RX3L00
Album title: Voices from the Gallery
Paulus work titles: Voices from the Gallery
Performers: Janet Bookspan, narrator, Timothy Russell, conducting, ProMusica Chamber Orchestra
Year of release: 1995
Record Label: d'Note Entertainment
Purchase link: http://www.amazon.com/Thurber-Paulus-Schickele-Voices-Gallery/dp/B000003YNE
Album title: Wonder Tidings: Christmas Music of Stephen Paulus
Paulus work titles: The Holly and the Ivy; This Endris Night; Wonder Tidings; Jesu's Lyfelyne; The Ship Carol; Waye Not His Cribb; The Neighbors of Bethlehem; Gideon; Ring Out Ye Crystal Spheres; In the Moon of Wintertime; Christmas Day; Hodie Christus Natus Est; I Sing the Birth; Christ is the Morning Star; Be Merry
Performers: Magnum Chorum, David Dickau conducting
Year of release: 2001
Purchase link: http://www.amazon.com/Wonder-Tidings-Christmas-Stephen-Paulus/dp/B0000DZ3G0/